This was produced within 3 months with huge help from Davina Clacey the Headmistress of Old Church School. Simon Hall MSc is a Music Teacher there and he also teaches at other schools. She introduced me to him and things just took off. Simon is amazing. Very passionate about what he does – Simon literally took this project to heart and nailed it! He composed the song and did a lot of editing. Working days and nights over a period of 3 months he has finally refined the song which I hope will send it ‘viral’. In addition, many thanks to Rockit Music Projects Ltd, who employ Simon. Children from Old Church Primary School, County Bridge Primary School and Salisbury Primary School took part in the singing. A big thank you to parents for allowing their children to appear in the song. The videos/photos were superimposed by Raja Sadha of Sadha Videos in Willenhall.